Facebook status
"Hi" "Hey" "Who was that?" "I have no idea..."
Ghetto language. Bathroom = Baafrumm. Refrigerator = Fridgerataa. Remote control = Moken troll.
LIKE IF: Ignoring the world when your crush is texting you.
"How can you tell if a girls on her period?" "How can you not tell?!"
"Did your mom drop you as a baby?" "Yeah, into a pool of sexy."
PARENTS: Why are you awake so early? ME: Who said I went to sleep?
In school when you and your friend would pretend to sharpen your pencils to have a chat at the trash bin.
If alcohol kills millions of brain cells, how come it never killed the ones that made me want to drink?
"IM SO POOR!!" posted via twitter for mac
Life always offers you a second chance. Its called tomorrow.