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That annoying moment when you`re walking around the house with socks on and step on a random wet spot.
B.i.n.g = Bitch I`m not Google.
Move a desk into an elevator. When people get on, ask if they have an appointment.
Bad guys in movies: "But before I kill you, I want to tell you this really long story so you can be saved."
You never realize how weird your friends are until you start to describe them to someone else.
I`ve never seen a tombstone that read: "Died from not forwarding that text to ten people".
Algebra rule. If it seems easy, you`re doing it wrong...
Remember the time we used to get on the computer just for paint?
Secrets Of Pizza, Pasta, Burger, French Fries. "Few moments on your Lips, Forever on your Hips..."
You want to see a perfect relationship? Watch a movie.