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Like if you also hiding your favorite food from the rest of your family.
School is pointless. English: We speak it. History: They`re dead. Math: We have calculators. Spanish: We have Dora.
A picture speaks a thousand words. But with photoshop it tells a thousand lies.
Hard to move on, when what you feel is so strong.
How Dinosaur extinction REALLY happened:
*Sees Noah`s Ark leaving*
Dinosaur: F*CK! That was today!?
After reading this you will notice that the the brain doesn`t notice the second "the"
LIKE IF : Slapping your best friend when you get excited about something.
Not telling me something because you "don`t want to piss me off" is probably the best way to piss me off.
Me and my boyfriend are so different. I exist, he doesn`t.
Some people are real and some people are good. Some people are fake and some people are real good at being fake.