Facebook status
"I wasn`t that drunk!" "Dude, you congratulated a potato for getting a part in Toy Story!"
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here`s some mouthwash, use it maybe?
My favorite activity is pretending that I can sing.
video games don`t make kids violent, lag does
Oprah makes: $315,000,000/year $26,000,000/month $6,000,000/week $850,000/day $35,000/hour $600/minute $10/second Jealous? Me too.
Winners never quit. Fighters never give in. Champions never let anyone take advantage of them. Which one are you?
Mexican word of the day `Wheelchair` :`Me and Juan only have one taco, but is okay. Wheelchair.`
I do my best proofreading after I hit send.
My girlfriend left me because of my obsession with Linkin Park. But in the end, it doesn`t even matter...
We interrupt this relationship to bring you football season.