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Never expect. Never assume. Never ask. And never demand. Just let it be. If it`s meant to be, it will happen.
I`m not an alcoholic alcoholics go to meetings, I`m a drunk, we go to parties
Friend: "Aww, someone needs a hug!" Me: "Don`t touch me."
Your life is a product of your thoughts, what you think about all day becomes the basis of your life.
Lies always change, but the truth stays the same.
To the fool who decided a 1 inch Snickers bar should be called `fun size`, SERIOUSLY when was the last time anything an inch long was fun!?!
"Who are you texting?" *smiles* "No one." ._.
There is still a group of people who believes that the Earth is flat. They are called the Flat Earth Society
Why are girls always like “Oh it’s December I need a boyfriend to keep me warm...” No you can buy a coat like the rest of the single people.
"You`re like my brother" = "Welcome to the friendzone"