Facebook status

Whatever makes you feel bad, leave it. Whatever makes you feel good, keep it.
Some people might as well post "wants attention" as their status
Forget all the reasons it won`t work and believe in the one reason why it will.
"I`d like a $5 dollar footlong"....."That`ll be 7.55"....."Bitch what?"
If robbers ever broke into my house and searched for money, I`d just laugh and search with them
LIKE IF: "I`m going to bed" .. really means .. "I`m going to lie on my bed and be on my phone."
What if Hogwarts actually sent us all letters, but our parents hid them??
I don`t have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination.
The person who makes you happiest is the person who can hurt you the most.
They`ve promised that dreams can come true. But forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too :|