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The only people up at 3 am are in love, lonely, drunk or all three.
A part of me dies every time no one gets my joke
the only problem with zac efron is that he isnt dating me
If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you.
By the time you realize, what your parents said was RIGHT You`ll have kids who begin to think you`re WRONG.
It`s kinda attractive when someone can reply to your sarcasm with sarcasm instead of just getting offended.
LIKE IF You also dont know how some people do it "4 minute shower" lol it takes me like 4 minutes to even get the water to be the right temperature
Temperature can affect people`s appetite. A cold person is more likely to eat more food.
when girls wake up in the morning after sleepovers we don`t even talk to each other for a good 20 minutes we just sit on our phones
"my mom likes u" is probably the best thing u will ever want to hear from bae

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