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Every female knows that one annoying boy constantly asking "So when we gone chill?"
sometimes I hate my friends for their super duper annoying bitchy attitude, and they really need to change that
All girls are crazy, So pick your crazy
if I don`t use emojis when we text we`re not friends
When you`re at an event, always hold your drink in your left hand. That way your right hand won`t be cold and/or wet when you shake hands.
if every dude wants her, but no dude has had her, do yourselves a favor & keep her.
how am i gonna become an adult i dont even know how to make a signature
when my hair is too long i just want a hair cut after getting a hair cut, i miss having long hair, I can`t understand myself
Let`s commit the perfect crime: I`ll steal your heart, and you`ll steal mine.
People who sleep on their left side have significantly more nightmares than people who sleep on their right side.

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