Facebook status
"I`m never drinking again." - Someone who will definitely drink again
The awkward moment when you realize in the movie "2012" the 1st thing that flooded was New York and now it is 2012 and New York was flooding..
The best revenge is showing them that your life is better after they`re gone.
You know a girl is serious when they say your name in a text.
I wonder if Asian people put smileys like this ¦)
The things I would do for a few extra hours of sleep...
`Are you athletic?` Yes, I surf the Web.
Tetrachromacy is the condition opposite to colour blindness, in which you get super colour vision.
"I have not failed. I`ve just found 10,000 ways that won`t work." - Thomas A. Edison
Of course I talk to myself. I need to have an intelligent conversation every now and then.