Facebook status
:S :C :H :O :O :L - You can`t find happy faces.
Pray karma gets to you before I do, because she will be a lot nicer than me.
Now I understand why Peter Pan never wanted to grow up.
LIKE IF : When I was kid, my social network was called "outside".
There are a lot people who call you by your name, but there is only one person who can make it sound so damn special.
I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and funny as hell.
That moment when you really want to be friends with someone. BUT YOU’RE TOO DAMN SOCIALLY AWKWARD.
Edward isn’t a vampire. He lives in a forest. He doesn’t eat people and he sparkles. HE IS OBVIOUSLY A FAIRY.
My head says go to the gym. My heart says eat more tacos.
That awkward moment when no one checked my last Status..