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If you can LIKE this with your tongue, you`re a good kisser.
Son: What`s a touchdown? Dad: I`m not sure son, we`re jets fans.
My Brain = 80% song lyrics
The phrase "I love you" is supposed to be special. Now, it`s passed around like a "Hi."
*in principals office* principal: Have a seat. me:thank you *picks up chair and leaves*
Mondays seem to go by in microwave minutes.
Math Test 50+50x0+1 = ?
LIKE IF - 51
Comment if - 1
When a girl changes in front of you: A) She is really interested in you B) You`re level 99 friend zoned C) She`s pretty sure you`re gay
I need you. I want you. I love you.... Food.
On a math test: 2x2 = ? Me: *Uses calculator just in case*