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That moment when you hear someone call your bestfriend their bestfriend and you`re like... "Ummmmm, no bitch.”"
That 5 minutes party you have when the teacher leaves the class.
Sooooo = I don`t know what to say, but I don`t wanna stop talking to you.
Because her heart can`t lie even though her face may try.
Zack and Cody graduated, Andy gave away his toys, Hannah told her secret, Phil went back to the future. My childhood is officially over.
That awkward moment when you don`t have any friends in your class and the teacher says, "Find a partner!"
LIKE IF:I hate when you`re so excited for something but then it ends up not happening..
That epic wrestling match you have with your friend when they take a bad photo of you and refuse to delete it.
Just because you fail once, doesn`t mean you`re gonna fail at everything. Keep trying and believe in yourself! ~ Marilyn Monroe
I hate mosquitoes! I mean, I know I`m delicious but damn.