Facebook status
nothing`s something >
A boy`s painful letter to facebook-
Dear facebook,
please stop suggesting me beautiful
It really hurts when i can`t add them :(
. Sincerely,
Blocked user :`(
Cop- "FREEZE!" Criminal- "Everybody clap your hands!"
What really matters in a relationship?
IF YOU Comment = looks .
IF YOU Like= personality .
Lets see who wins!!
It`s hilarious when school textbooks try too hard at being racially diverse. "Brad, Latisha, Pablo and Kwan were doing a math problem..."
Dear spiders, if I see you outside, I will let you live. But if I see you in my house, I will kill you. You choose.
"ILY" "Awwww, spell it out ;)" "I`m leaving you..."
Admit it. We`ve all recorded ourselves singing to see if we could actually sing...
(o_o) You`re ticklish? (-__-) yea, why? (~°_°)~ (/°o°)/ NOOOOOOOOO
Me: "Hola! Como estas? :)" Spanish guy: *Speaks mad fast Spanish* Me: "Dude, chill! Dora didn`t teach me that yet!"