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THINGS WE SAY IN SCHOOL: 1. I`m tired. 2. I`m cold. 3. I don`t get it. 4. I`m hungry. 5. What time is it? 6. I want to go home..
Sharks are just dolphins who went to the military.
In 2 seconds you will sing "I`m a Barbie Girl" in your head. . . . .
I`m eating just in case I get hungry in the future.
Like this if you`re not the same person that you were an year ago.
Why do parents think it`s so easy to get straight A`s?
We can now put the movie 2012 in the comedy section?
I don`t need sleeping pills. I have books..
Love has always been a game, but some people change the rules too much.
Omg that`s a pretty picture of you! How long did it take to edit?