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Some women turn into good drivers... ....So if you are a good driver, watch out for them when they`re turning.
Most people want a perfect relationship. I just want a hamburger that looks like the ones in commercials.
"That`s nice honey." Grandma`s version of "cool story bro."
Turn your phone off,
Yeah no... I`ll just put it on silent.
Sharks aren`t the bad guys. If some stranger entered my house in just a Speedo, I would attack him too..
"Envy is the art of counting the other fellow`s blessings instead of your own." - Harold Coffin
So, I heard that Oxygen and Magnesium are going out, and I was all like, OMg.
Motivational status of the day: Don`t be a douche.
Alarm Clocks: Yes... because every morning should start with a heart attack.
"I`m going to bed" really means "I`m going to lay in my bed and be on my phone for an hour or so.".