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You know, she really did love you more than anyone else, but you just let her walk into your life and walk right back out.
One day you`re going to realize that you did the wrong thing to the right girl.
Lets play a game: Describe your friend with a TV show name...
The way to make money on twitter is to go into settings, sign out, and get back to work.
I wish we could just fast forward to summer.
Crying doesn`t indicate that you`re weak. Since birth , it has always been a sign that you`re alive.
"It`s impossible " said pride. "It`s risky " said experience. "It`s pointless " said reason. " give it a try " whispered the heart.
Oh, so you`re a model? That toilet in the background of all your pictures looks fabulous.
What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? Incorrectly...
I asked myself out and I said no.