Facebook status

Perfect has 7 letters and so does meeeeee ....Coincidence? I think not.
I can`t believe there was once a day when I thought facebook was better than twitter..
I`m the kind of person who is willing to brighten your day, even when I can`t brighten my own.
That awkward moment when someone is watching you eat.
Girls, the "Prince charming" thing doesn`t exist. Settle for the guy who knows the difference between "You`re" and "Your". Your welcome.
LIKE if you are BORED.
Sometimes all a girl wants is a guy to say "I made plans for us" instead of the usual "we can do whatever you want to do"
At first it was "Okay" and then "ok" and now "k" and soon it will disappear and you`ll all regret it .
Men automaticaly turn `single` when they see the girl they like.
Mom: Why are you playing video games? go study! In a parallel universe: why are you studying? play more video games!