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When a girl thinks of her future with her boyfriend, it`s normal. But when a boy thinks of his future with his girlfriend, it`s serious.
Don`t judge a situation you`ve never been in
There`s no quality I respect more in a person than honesty....
Fifty shades of grey is romantic only because the guy is a billionaire. If he was living in a trailer it would be a Criminal minds episode.
I can send you a text at 12:04 & be asleep by 12:05
It`s nice to be important, but it`s more important to be nice.
Myself just told myself that I`m gonna have a great day.
My room is either the temperature of Antarctica or the gates of hell.
It doesn`t matter how many times you looked, when your mom looks, she will find what you were looking for.
the most depressing part of the day is watching as the sky gradually gets darker and knowing that u have done absolutely nothing productive

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