Facebook status
Sometimes I wish my pets could talk.. Then I remember everything I`ve done in front of them.
Speed up the process of hating a song by setting it as your ringtone.
IF THIS IS YELLING!!!!!! ... WhAt ThE heLL dOeS tHiS sOuNd LiKe???
Oh, you like all of your own statuses? Do you give yourself high fives too?
"Believe deep down in your heart that you`re destined to do great things." - Joe Paterno
I have a bad habit of reading a text and not replying.
I hate when I lose things at school like my pencils, papers, and my life ambitions
*looks in mirror* oh, that`s why people don`t like me
A true friend accepts who you are, but also helps you become who you should.
I saw someone make a status of "I can`t wait until 13/13/13." Let`s take a moment and pray for this dumbass.