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Every girl wants a guy to make her feel safe in his arms, hold her tight, and remind her every day that she`s the only girl in his world.
I`m jealous of the girls that can sit down in a bathing suit for cute pics and not look like a busted can of biscuits
This is how my week goes: Mooooonnnnnddaaaaaaaaay Tueeeesssdaaaaaaayyyyy Weeedddnnnesssdayyyyy Thursssssdaaaaaaaayyyyy FridaySaturdaySunday.
Your height is generally determined by your father. Intelligence, emotional strength and body shape is determined by the mother.
The greatest achievement is to outperform your self.
When you forgave her 72 times for the same thing but when you move on you`re the "unloyal " one
I spend all my money on food and clothes yet I`m still hungry and can`t find anything to wear
whoever thinks money doesn`t buy happiness can deposit it in my bank account
Speak your mind and never apologize for being ‘too real’.
you know it`s summer when you don`t get invited anywhere, wear the same shirt 3 days in a row, don`t put any makeup on ever, & watch netflix all day

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