Facebook status
Me: "I`m over my crush" Crush: "hey" Me: "Nevermind"
"You can do it if you believe you can!" - Napoleon Hill
I’m not immature, I just know how to have fun. There`s a difference.
"Hey, it`s been forever, let`s chill!"
"No, it`s been forever for a reason."
You call it jealousy. I call it fear of losing you.
A real woman moves on and lets karma do her dirty work.
LIKE IF: Avoiding male cashiers when buying feminine products.
Friend: "Where are you?" You: "Robbing a bank." Friend: "Omg really?" You: "No wtf! You called my house phone where do you think I am?!"
I used to watch TV, read the paper, and listen to the radio. Now I watch the Internet, read the Internet, and listen to the Internet.
I love it when the teacher steps outside and the class goes wild.