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That scary moment when a little kids say "I`m going to tell on you!" -__-
I hate when my skinny friends never mention having lunch.
"Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom: youth is the season of credulity." - William Pitt
The awkward moment when wikipedia has copied your homework.
*no one is home* time to cook with no pants on
You`ve got higher grades than mine, not because you`re smarter than me, but because I`m lazier than you.
Teacher: "Back in the days, we didn`t have internet."
Me: "Well, that`s just too bad for you."
I hate it when I am singing a song and the artist gets the lyrics wrong..
You`re so full of sh!t, Toilets are jealous.
Like if you also have that one restaurant where you always order the exact same thing.