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Be friends with people who actually genuinely care for you, will be there for you in good and bad times and are loyal.
If you really love someone, even if there was a million reasons to leave, you would still look for the one reason to stay.
Dear McDonalds, why are all the people in your commercials thin? o__O
Volleyball is just a more intense version of "don`t let the balloon touch the floor."
"Page 404 not found." But I wasn`t even looking for page 404...
Just because you know my name, Doesn`t mean you know my game.
Don’t like me? Aw cute how you thought I cared.
Being single is better than feeling alone in a relationship.
Listen carefully to how a person speaks about other people to you, this is how they will speak about you to other people
Every girl is a freak, it just takes the right person to bring it out.