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What a gorgeous day to walk around outside staring at my phone.
"In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein
Whats black and always in the back of a cop car?
A seatbelt.
If a woman says, "Go ahead" it`s a dare, not permission.
LIKE IF you agree; The librarians at my school take their job way too seriously.
Shes a little scared to get close to anyone because everyone that said "ill always be here for you" left.
Sometimes, your feelings get the best of you.
If you can make a guy smile he already likes you, but if you can make him cry, he`s definitely in love with you.
My current status: Wanted by many, taken by none, looking at some, but waiting for one.
It’s amazing what people do for love, and it’s even more amazing what love does to people.