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When a girl says "Do whatever you want" Do NOT do whatever you want.
Sorry, I can`t hangout. My uncle`s cousin`s sister in law`s best friend`s insurance agent`s roommate`s pet goldfish died. It was tragic.
Adele: "I set fire to the rain!" Spongebob: "Bitch, please. I make campfires underwater."
who is this Rorschach guy and why did he paint so many pictures of my parents fighting
Are you made of Copper and Tellurium because you are CuTe.
Me, jealous of you? Bless your delusional heart.
What did the scientist say when he found 2 isotopes of Helium? HeHe.
Best way to get out of a text convo: "The message could not be delivered. Please try later. Error 226110"
like if you also had that moment - "Mom.. Can I.." "GO ASK YOUR DAD." "Dad, can I.." GO ASK YOUR MOM.
That panic moment when you don`t feel your phone in your pocket.