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"You`re only a fool if you give up." - Aladdin
Tall guy + Short girl = cute.
But Short guy + Tall girl = really awkward
I hate it when people exaggerate my mistakes and make it seem like I’ve committed a crime.
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me I was pretty I would have exactly one dollar.
thanks mom.
Once upon a time, 3 witches wished 3 wishes but which witch knows which witch wished which wish.
The longest distance ever traveled to buy a book is 3,950 miles. Emerson Spartz flew from Chi to London to buy the 5th Harry Potter book
Funny fact : Farting for six years and 9 months will be around the same energy as an atomic bomb.
That awkward moment when you`re sitting in a theater about to see a movie & BAM, a human giraffe sits in front of you.
Current emotion: I need money..
The most beautiful and intense feelings and things in the world cannot be touched or even seen, they must be felt with the heart.