Facebook status
What`s that thing called when your crush likes you back? oh yeah imagination
When you wait to long for a page to load and you refresh the page when it finally loads completely...
when the pad commercial says to have a "happy period" LOL OK.
Making me repeat myself, Bitch you have to listen in first place.
LIKE IF you also have this problem :) One pillow is too low, but two are too high.
Alcohol is just the liquid version of Photoshop.
Attractive person: Hey whats up?
Me: Who paid you
Raise your hand if you`re tired of school ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋
I hate knowing that I care more about other people than other people will ever care about me.
Dear School Friends, thank for always being there when things get bored at school, you guys are the best.