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once u start wearing big t-shirts u never go back to the ones that fit
The phrase "this made me think of you" is my favorite thing someone can ever say to me
I wish my bank account refilled as fast as my laundry basket
LIKE If: When you study, you thinking 30% cellphone, 25 % hungry, 15 % other people, 25% movies, 4% other, 1% book
Me: *Looking at old pictures*

Me: Did I seriously look like this all the time and no one told me?
That awkward moment When you accidentally open a message and now you have to reply
That awkward moment when you`ve already coughed 3 times and class and you`re trying not to cough again
Have you ever bullshitted an assignment so hard you basically laugh after every sentence you write
That moment when you realize that the song you always skip is actually fire .
College is a cycle of accomplishing something, feeling relieved for a second, then realizing you have 7 more things to do for tomorrow

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