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That moment when you realize you said something REALLY stupid and you can`t take it back..
Victoria`s Secret needs to be my bedroom. Starbucks needs to be my kitchen. Forever 21 needs to be my closet.
I would like to apologize to my younger self for not fully appreciating nap time when I had it.
DID YOU KNOW: It is illegal for unmarried women to parachute on Sundays in Florida.
That awkward moment when somebody is doing dishes and you slowly put another dish in the sink...
Too much homework can actually lead to stress, depression, and even lower grades.
The only thing I`ve learnt in school is that I hate a lot of fucking people.
Someone: Are you crying?
Me: No, I`m having an allergic reaction.
Someone: To what?
Me: Life
You think I`m jealous of you. How about no.
To my future kids: You`ll start off with a flip phone. Idgaf if the iPhone 13 is out by then, you`re gonna know the struggle.