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It costs $0.00 to be nice to people.
story of my life: i knew better but i did it anyway
hate when i first meet someone & i`m all shy & awkward like this not me i swear just wait
Sometimes I wish I was 25 with my life figured out & sometimes I wish I was 5 with my whole life ahead of me and not a care in the world
Be real with me or just leave me alone.
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
There is a restaurant in New York City that features a $1,000 sundae on its menu.
Your pupils can expand by as much as 45% when looking at someone you love.
*pokes my responsibilities with a stick* what is this get it away from me
some girls our age make me want to go hug my momma and thank her for the way she raised me

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