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A best friend isn`t someone who`s just always there for you. It`s someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself.
have you ever started crying for one reason then end up crying about every possible thing wrong with your life?
I get nervous when I see others studying so much before the test.
My favorite thing to do is to watch all the girls at my school pretend to be friends with each other.
I`ve come to the point where I don`t even procrastinate anymore I just don`t do it.
Don`t you hate it when there is always that one ice cube that won`t pop out of the tray
It`s your track and yours alone, others may walk with you but no one walks for you.
I don`t get why people let go of a good thing for a new thing.
To be honest, this school year kinda flew by fast.
I`m on a seafood diet ... I see food and I eat it. ;)