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There is a pepper grown in Japan called the Shishito pepper. Only 1 out of 10 is spicy and there`s no way of knowing beforehand.
Couple`s personalities start to converge over time making partners more and more similar.
School doesn`t even test your intelligence, it tests your memory.
LIKE IF : When someone asks me for a pencil, I always give them the crappiest one. :)
Sometimes the right person for you was there all along. you just didn`t see it because the wrong one was blocking the sight.
I hate when teachers complain about having so much work to grade... We had to do it. You`re just checking it. Suck it up.
is Smiling ... It`s the second best thing I can do with my lips.
You`re angry at me for that?
That`s cool, just let me know when you grow up.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
The way you treat me is how you get treated back. Simple.