Facebook status
Remember straight guys need to hear they’re pretty sometimes too.
According to surveys, love starts when people don`t need it and ends when they need it the most
Having positive thoughts increases your brains ability to make better decisions
People who straight up tell you how they feel >>>>>>
raise your hand if you`re tired of school
"I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it." - Maya Angelou
Remember, if we get caught, you`re deaf and I don`t speak English.
"Be nice to nerds. Chances are you`ll end up working for one." - Bill Gates
Bananas, pasta, and nuts are all known to be great stress relieving foods
Put these "emoji" characters in Facebook status or comments and they will become images, just like :) would become a Facebook smiley face . Like if you find it useful:
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