Facebook status

"The currency of living is how you spend the moments of your life." - Richard Bandler
Adam Levine
Adam LeFine
Adam BeMine
Adam TakeOffYourClothes
Sometimes I drink water to surprise my liver.
Dear girls, don`t think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey!
✖ Homework
✖ Fake friends
✖ School
✖ Being ignored
✖ Empty fridge
✖ Being replaced
✖ Slow Internet
✖ Broken Heart
I`m a bi-polar tweeter. One day I`ll tweet a lot, the next day I`ll barely tweet at all.
I’m exhausted from all this studying I haven’t done.
"If you learn from defeat, you haven`t really lost." - Zig Ziglar
When life gives you rain, go mud bogging!
Like and I`ll use the letters of your first name to describe you!!!