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When people ask why I`m single Me:
¯\) )/¯
I wonder if caterpillars know they`re gonna fly some day or they just start building a cocoon and are like `why am I doing this`.
Sometimes when I lay in bed at night... I push the sides of my pillow up to my face and pretend I`m a taco.
You haven`t experienced awkward until you try to tickle someone who isn`t ticklish.
You have not experienced true fear until a poster falls down in the middle of the night.
That awkward moment of preparation before stepping on the escalator.
Forgiveness is the trait that is most strongly linked to happiness.
Don`t love too soon.
Don`t trust too fast.
Don`t judge too soon.
Don`t quit too early.
Don`t expect too high.
Don`t talk too much.
Sometimes I regret being nice, apologizing when I didn`t do anything wrong, and for making unworthy people a priority in my life.
It has been seen that there is a considerable drop in the levels of stress hormones after a good laughing session.