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3 year old me: OMG dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets!
Me today: OMG dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets!
Why do people ask "What were you thinking?" Obviously I was thinking I was going to get away with it and not have to explain.
LIKE IF: When I sit down on a field, I automatically start pulling grass out of the ground.
That awkward moment of intimacy with the person who adjusts your seat belt on a roller coaster
That awkward moment when you type out an elaborate response to a crush, then erase it and send `haha` instead.
That awkward moment when you`re taking notes, and the teacher switches between slides too fast.
That awkward moment when someone tells you to get a life, when you pretty clearly already have one. Otherwise, you would be dead.
"we`re gonna hang out so much this summer"
the biggest lie anyone will ever tell you.
I swear, sometimes it`s like you want me to hate you.
Twitter: The only place where you get excited when strangers follow you.