Facebook status
Most of life`s important decisions are either made in the shower or late at night when an individual is unable to sleep.
Psychological Fact: The person you care about the most is usually the person who you`ll allow to hurt you the most.
Before going to bed, 87% people count how many hours of sleep they`re going to get.
“HeY dUdE wHaTs uP?!†Bitch, is your caps lock having a seizure?
The funniest thing about this status, is that by the time you realize that it doesn`t say anything, it`s too late for you to stop reading it.
If it wasn`t for Twitter, we`d all be on Facebook refreshing our pages every 2 minutes, wishing for new notifications..
That awkward moment when you add a new profile picture and someone likes your old one.
That awkward moment when you get a little too emotional while watching The Blind Side.
That awkward moment when your mood swings more than a kid at recess.
That awkward moment when you`re given a chocolate and you can`t eat it because it immediately melts on your fingers because you`re that hot.