Facebook status

If others are jealous, you’re doing something right.
If you put "#pretty" on your selfies on instagram,
I`m judging you.
at least miley is getting paid to act ratchet, the rest of you do it for free.
shoutout to the friends that still like me

all two of you
keep your friends close, but the people who have a chance of becoming famous closer.
my voice is girly when I talk to strangers but when I’m with friends I turn into morgan freeman
Shout out to all the 90`s baby`s, with no babies!
#10FactsAboutMe I hate school.
I think it`s so cute when guys put the girl they`re dating as their Woman Crush Wednesday
when a guy wears that one cologne where all you want to do is bury your face in their chest and sniff because they smell that damn good