Facebook status

I don’t chase anyone anymore. Wanna walk out of my life, there’s the door. Hell, I’ll even hold it for you.
i need a part-time job that pays like $30,000 a week
the difference between girl friend and girlfriend is that little tiny space they call the friend zone
Everyone`s grandparents are a little bit racist.
I don`t understand how some people can look good every day.
LIKE IF: Too bored to stay home. Too lazy to go out.
You must be a math problem because you’re difficult and annoying.
shopping for clothes would be a lot more fun if i had a thinner body and a fatter wallet
If Facebook ever shuts down, you`ll see people roaming the streets shoving pictures in others faces screaming `Do you like this?!.. DO YOU?`
my past is my past, I`ve made mistakes but I have learned from them too.