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When you wake up wrapped around his strong arms. ❤
While phones are getting thinner and smarter, People are getting dumber and fatter.
Maroon 5? You mean Adam Levine and the guys who stand behind him?
Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.
Being in a relationship isn`t as easy as it looks
[at the beach]
`Excuse me, but a shark just ate my only friend. I was wondering if you could be my new one.`
When I die, I want to be buried with sunglasses on and my hands behind my head. So when I deteriorate, I’ll be the chillest skeleton ever.
I wish I could drop out of school and just travel and go to concerts all of the time. ✈️
Think positive, be positive & positive things will happen.
Did you know? Tickling was a form of torture used in ancient China on nobility because it left no mark and recovery was quick.