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"Go as far as you can see; when you get there you`ll be able to see farther." - Thomas Carlyle
shoutout to the friends that still like me

all two of you
Don’t judge people by the mistakes they`ve made, but by what they`ve learned from them.
Someone you haven`t even met yet is wondering what it`d be like to know someone like you.
Please stop looking so attractive, I`m trying to stop liking you...
Awesome thought : God created your purpose... before He created you.
Like if you seriously just wanna cuddle up and watch an old disney movie with hot chocolate and ignore life and everyone and everything.
It`s not who you are that holds you back, it`s who you think you`re not.
I`d say about 60% of the stories I tell go unfinished cause either someone cuts me off or I stop talking cause I realize no one is listening
If it`s worth it, fight for it. If it`s not, move on.