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If stress burned calories, I`d be a supermodel..
1 - Find a group photo of 4 girls.
2 - Comment, "You 3 look awesome!"
3 - And wait...
GPS says "arrival time". I see "Time to beat".
My taste in music ranges from “you have to hear this now” to “I know, please don’t judge me.”
Me at Victoria`s Secret:
"LOOK it sparkles!"
"Too expensive"
"But its on SALE"
"Omg smell this"
"I love this color"
"Can I buy everything?"
Message to all Funeral Directors: tie the deceased persons shoelaces together! At least that way during the zombie apocalypse we have a head start and a few laughs!
If wearing leggings as pants is wrong, I don`t want to be right.
do you ever wish that you could just un-meet someone?
taking cute selfies is really hard when you`re not cute
That awkward moment when you show someone something really funny and they don’t think it’s funny at all.