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Me at school: I`ll work on this at home.
Me at home: I`ll work on this at school.
Captain Morgan was a real person - He was a Welsh pirate who later became the lieutenant governor of Jamaica.
Caffeine is the most commonly used drug in the world.
Just because I don`t talk to you, or text you first, doesn`t mean I don`t miss you. I`m just waiting for you to miss me.
Today is the day, be happy. Today is the day, dream big. Today is the day, be truthful. Today is the day, be thankful. Live for today.
There`s so much I keep bottled up, only because I don`t have time for sympathy, apologies, and fake ass "friends" pretending they care.
Sometimes you try so hard to take care of everyone else that you forget to take care of yourself.
How to move on? Simply delete "L" from "LOVER" and realize its "OVER.
We often look for strength everywhere but within ourselves.
Text her something sweet while she`s sleeping, so in the morning she wakes up with a smile on her face.