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e.g. = For example... i.e. = in other words
Need a boost of creativity? Try looking at something that`s blue! It`s a creativity-enhancing color.
There`s no speed limit on anything. Graduate at 30? Sure. First kiss at 18? Sure. Don`t judge yourself by your timing
When approaching a door, look for the hinges. If you see them, pull. If not, push. This will help you avoid some embarrassing moments!
Put some toilet paper inside the bowl. No splashing
When proofreading, read out loud to yourself. Your mouth will catch errors your mind might glance over
Want the best studying music? Download the Sims City 3000 soundtrack.
Don`t know whether to write "affect" or "effect"? Use "impact" instead.
If your car is about to get towed, get in it. Tow trucks are forced to stop to avoid kidnapping charges
If there are no wrinkles below the eyelid, the smile is fake