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Putting on glasses is like switching from 240p to 1080p.
Every book you’ve ever read is just a different combination of 26 letters.
Before the camera was invented, nobody had ever really seen what they looked like with their eyes closed.
I have never seen a school bus get fuel.
I’ve spent my entire life looking at faces, and I can’t even draw one.
It is literally impossible to forget something on purpose, yet we get angry with people if they forget things.
Everybody is trying to find the right person, but no one is trying to be the right person.
There’s a big difference between “the news” and what’s actually happening around the world.
I’d much rather be somebody who can barely remember High School than somebody who considers it to be the best years of their lives.
The first caterpillar to turn into a butterfly must have been like YOOOOOOOO..

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