Facebook status

Here`s the problem... I have no motivation but I still care about my grades. See my dilemma?
Adding "if you know what I mean" at the end of an ordinary sentence to make it sound sexual.
I wish "you idiot" was an appropriate way to end a work email.
Kissing improves our bodies response to and recovery from the stress we do experience.
If beauty were sunlight, you’d shine from a million light-years away.
A real boyfriend never "gives up" on his girl. He fights for her.
PE Teacher: why are you running so slowly

Me: "It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop" - Wisdom of Confucius
I’m usually that person who has no idea what’s going on
Twitter is the one place where you go to say all of the random thoughts in your head and see if everybody else is as weird as you.
It’s kinda cute how we all celebrate the earth finishing another lap around the sun.