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If poison expires, is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous?
Being a teenager is the awkward stage where you like adults more than the kids, but the kids like you more than the adults do.
LIKE IF “See you next year” must be the most over used dad-joke every December.
Because of time zone differences, New Year’s eve day is like people doing “the wave” on a global scale.
I’m drunk at the end of every year and drunk at the beginning of ever year.
The first 18 years of your life are like a Free Trial and after that it’s Pay-To-Play
The number 14233221 describes itself; it has one four, two threes, three twos, and two ones.
Cup holders are just cups for cups.
Falling asleep is the best example of “fake it till you make it”.
When you yell at your dog for barking at people, does he realize you’re trying to quiet him, or does he think you’re joining in?

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