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Always know the difference between what you`re getting, and what you deserve
Dear heart, please stop falling in love with people I can`t get.
I wanna wrap you up.
I wanna kiss your lips.
I wanna make you feel wanted.
I wanna call you mine. I wanna hold you forever ❤
lets play a game called you bring me food and I eat it
I am too young to have this many embarrassing memories
The footprints astronauts left on the moon don`t change because there`s no wind, and should last at least 10 million years.
If a taxi driver in New York drove you to California and left the meter running all the way, it would cost $18,000.
It takes 50 glasses of water to grow enough oranges to make one glass of orange juice.
Squirrels forget where they hide about half of their nuts and thanks to that, hundreds of new trees grow every year.
"The teacher is like the candle which lights others in consuming itself." - Giovanni Ruffini