Facebook status

He knows when you are sleeping He knows when youre awake. He knows if youve been bad or good...sounds like Santas been on Facebook.
Hello, would you like to take part in a onequestion survey? Sure. Great Thanks for participating.
I drank a Red Bull, so if anyone needs help packing, pushing your car to a gas station or shaking the leaves off your trees let me know.
If steroids are illegal for athletes, shouldnt autotune be illegal for musicians?
Yesterday I set my wifis name to Hack this if you can. When I checked it today, it was called Challenge accepted.
On the internet you can be whoever you want. Its odd that so many choose to be stupid.
Diapers and politicians should be changed often and for the same reason.
People ask me why I dont have any tattoos and I respond with, would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?
Why people use Twitter: because updating 100 times a day on Facebook is not socially acceptable.
U.G.L.Y = U Gotta Love Yourself