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Drake is the type of guy that cries when he reads "drake the type of guy" tweets.
Eating peaches reduces acne, dark circles around the eyes and wrinkles!
do parents feel offended when their kids call themselves ugly like hey those are my genetics you’re talking about
Being single sucks when you know exactly who you want.
I just bought a 3D Kindle...or a book as its commonly known.
Having a 20 items or less express lane at WalMart is pointless when your customers dont know how to count.
Officer: How high are you? Drunk: No officer its Hi, how are you?
I bet if Aquaman and Jesus had a fight, Jesus would walk all over him.
Blood is thicker then water, but maple syrup is thicker then blood. Therefore pancakes are more important than family.
Facebook: A place where you discover that people you once respected cant spell.